Ongoing Financial Planning
Financial planning is not a single event but an ongoing process which moves you steadily toward your goals through the combination of continuous planning, action and review. When a financial plan is created, it can serve as a current benchmark for assessing where you are in your journey toward achieving your goals. But a financial plan must be dynamic. As circumstances change - family needs, health, finances, markets, legislation, and goals - the plan and your financial activities need to change, too. This is why the keys to successful financial planning are:
To design a financial plan that acts as a starting point and refer to it in order to assess how far you’ve come and if you are where you need to be.
To periodically re-evaluate your plan and make necessary adjustments to your investments, savings and other financial practices, as well as to the plan itself.
Under the financial planning retainer agreement, we provide you with the following planning services:
Annual meeting to review the entire plan, assess where you are and decide how to adjust the plan for the coming year
Additional meetings whenever necessary to address changes in your life which affect your plan
Phone and e-mail support whenever you have a financial question or decision to make
Also included in the financial planning retainer agreement are asset management services.