Dimensional Fund Advisors
Founded in 1981, Dimensional has a long history of applying academic research to practical investing. They offer a full range of equity and fixed income strategies designed to target higher expected returns.
Below are a few articles which explain how DFA engineers their funds and why they have performed so well.
November 29, 2016
This Wall Street Journal article offers an in-depth look at Dimensional, explaining that the firm “isn’t strictly an active or passive investor. It’s both.” A PDF version is available for downloading. To order hard copies, please contact your Dimensional representative.
June 7, 2019
Dimensional Eyes the Fund Sector’s Trillion-Dollar Club
The Financial Times sat down with Dimensional Co-CEO and Chief Investment Officer Gerard O’Reilly. The profile covers O’Reilly’s path to Dimensional, his leadership alongside Dave Butler, and the firm’s research-based culture and approach to investing.